Time is of the essence. Nearly 70% of Americans want to see the U.S. become carbon neutral by 2050. Simultaneously, U.S. energy consumption is projected to increase by 48% by 2050. The 2023 Energy Policy Summit, hosted by the American Association of Blacks in Energy, will focus on “Expedient & Equitable Implementation” providing a platform to discuss successful sustainable solutions, examine the impact of U.S. federal policies, and foster collaboration to ensure a just and prosperous energy future for all.
This sponsorship will cover EEI participation in the 2023 AABE Energy policy Summit on December 7th.
Opening remarks from executive level leadership on December 7th
Photos with AABE Leadership
Corporate signage on event posters
Up to three digital features on Summit website (For example, a 500-1,500-word article, a 1-page advertisement, or up to 2:00 minute video)
Professional photos of the Advocacy Day activities